Coming to
Greenville, TX
Majors Airport
Saturday, May 17
FREE Admission FREE Parking
See, Hear & Experience
World War II aircraft
of the
Commemorative Air Force
Plus a host of vintage and classic aircraft
Greenville, TX
Greenville Majors Airport
Saturday, May 17
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Main Terminal Ramp
101 Majors Rd. Greenville, TX
Sponsored by:
Special Guest Aircraft
Scheduled to Appear
Appearances subject to weather and maintenance requirements.
The "Pepsi-Cola Stinson"
Jimmy Doolittle's Shell Oil Stinson
Plus classic and antique planes from the Texas Antique Airplane Association
These Historic Aircraft are Scheduled to Attend,
subject to weather and maintenance.
Visit our Ride Desk at the event to purchase a ride on any of the following aircraft.
Fairchild PT-19 "Pride of Corsicana"
The PT-19 trained more pilots to fly in WWII than any other plane. Ride along in the open cockpit and feel the wind in your hair. The plane holds one passenger.
Prices start at $195.
Beechcraft C-45 "Bucket of Bolts"
During and after World War II the C-45 saw military service as a light transport, light bomber, aircrew trainer (for bombing, navigation and gunnery), photo-reconnaissance, and "mother ship" for target drones. The plane holds four to five passengers.
Prices start at $150.
SAVE $20... Ride before 11:00 am and get $20 off.
Stinson L-5 "Miss Ziggy"
The L-5 is affectionately known as the "Flying Jeep". The primary purpose was courier, communications, artillery spotting and casualty evacuation. The plane holds one passenger.
Prices start at $150.
Stearman PT-17
The Stearman was the primary trainer aircraft flown by the Allied nations before and during WWII. Take a ride in this open cockpit biplane and feel the wind in your hair. The plane holds one passenger.
Prices start at $295.
For advance reservations on the Stearman click HERE.
WASP T-6 "Nella"
Your ride on a T-6 will be aboard the CAF WASP Squadron's "Nella". "Nella" was an advanced training aircraft used at the all-female Avenger Field in Sweetwater, TX where the WASP attended military flight training.
Prices start at $475.
For advance reservations on the T-6 click HERE.
This event is sponsored by, and courtesy of Greenville Municipal Airport, the City of Greenville, TX., the Commemorative Air Force, and the Historic Aircraft Preservation Society.
Thank you...
This FREE Barnstormer Saturday event is sponsored by the Commemorative Air Force. The CAF is the largest flying museum in the world. Relive history, honor our veterans and preserve aviation history. By purchasing a ride in the aircraft you are helping to fund and keep these priceless aircraft flying.
Thanks for your support...